Runtime: 1.2s
On February 22, 2025, 05:24 AM UTC, http://hrlibrary.umn.edu/iwraw/ was accessible when tested on AS42794 in Bulgaria.
HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment
DNS Queries
IN A hrlibrary.umn.edu
TCP Connections
Connection to succeeded.
HTTP Requests
GET http://hrlibrary.umn.edu/iwraw/
Response Headers
Accept-Ranges:bytesContent-Length:13128Content-Type:text/html; charset=UTF-8Date:Sat, 22 Feb 2025 05:24:02 GMTEtag:"3348-5dd7206ef1624"Last-Modified:Mon, 25 Apr 2022 03:18:15 GMTServer:Apache/2.4.6 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) PHP/5.4.16
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>International Women's Rights Action Watch</title> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color:#333; color:#000000; } * { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color:#666666; } a { text-decoration: none; } a:hover { color: #880030; } #container { width:950px; height:100%; margin: 0 auto; overflow: hidden; vertical-align:top; background-color:#ffffff; } #masthead { width:950px; height:268px; background-color:#ffffff; } #top_nav { width: 100%; height: 20px; background-color:#FFFFFF; font-size:14px; } #main_banner { color:#ffffff; width: 100%; background-color:#ffffff; padding-left:90px; padding-top:75px; } #main_content { width: 700px; background-color:#ffffff; font-size:14px; line-height:215%; padding-left:140px; padding-right:200px; } #left_content { color:#000000; text-align:justify; line-height:200%; display:inline-block; padding-left:80px; padding-top:40px; padding-right:60px; float:left; width: 373px; font-size:13px; background-color:#ffffff; } #right_content { float:left; width: 487px; height: 363px; background-color:#ffffff; vertical-align:top; } #book { padding-left:135px; background-color:#ffffff; height:450px; } #bottomcopy { background-color:#ffffff; font-size:14px; line-height:180%; padding-left:140px; padding-right:100px; } #bottom_bar { color:#ffffff; width: 100%; height: 70px; background-color:#880030; vertical-align:top; } #container #main_content #left_content p { text-align: left; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="masthead"> <a href="/iwraw/"><img src="masthead.png" alt="" height="270" width="950"></a> </div> <div id="top_nav"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="30" width="950px"> <tbody><tr valign="center"> <td align="center" height="28" width="16"> </td> <td align="center" width="69"><a href="/iwraw/" style="color:#880030">Home</a></td> <td align="center" width="79"><a href="Cedaw.html">CEDAW</a></td> <td align="center" width="158"><a href="UNdocs.html">UN and<br> Regional Documents</a></td> <td align="center" width="105"><a href="Basic_Facts.html">Basic Facts</a></td> <td align="center" width="115"><a href="Reporting.html">Reporting to<br> UN Bodies</a></td> <td align="center" width="115"><a href="Resources.html">Resources</a></td> <td align="center" width="98"><a href="Publications.html">Publications</a></td> <td align="center" width="98"><a href="Equality.html">Equality in<br> the Family</a></td> <td align="center" width="95"><a href="Contact.html">Contact</a></td> </tr> </tbody></table> </div> <div id="main_banner"><img src="home_graphic.jpg" alt="" height="91" width="719"></div> <div id="main_content"> <p><span style="color:#000000;"><strong>The International Women's Rights Action Watch (IWRAW)</strong></span> was organized in 1985 at the Third World Conference on Women in Nairobi, Kenya, to promote recognition of womenâs human rights under the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (<a href="/instree/e1cedaw.htm" style="color:#880030" target="new">CEDAW</a>), an international human rights treaty. IWRAW was founded on the belief that the human rights of women and girls are essential to development and that equality between women and men will only be achieved through use of international human rights principles and processes. Since its inception, IWRAWâs program has expanded to encompass advocacy for womenâs human rights under all the international human rights treaties. IWRAW operates as an international resource and communications center that serves activists, scholars, and organizations throughout the world. IWRAW is directed by Dr. Marsha A. Freeman and is based at the University of Minnesota Law School, Minneapolis, Minnesota USA, affiliated with the <a href="http://www.law.umn.edu/humanrightscenter/index.html" style="color:#880030" target="new">Universityâs Human Rights Center</a>. </p> </div> <div id="book" style="padding-top:35px; height:550px"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="752"> <tbody><tr valign="bottom"> <td width="200"><img src="book_small_1.jpg" alt="" height="246" width="188"></td> <td style="font-size:16px; color:#000000; line-height:120%; letter-spacing:-1px; font-style:normal; padding-top:14px; " width="552"><img src="book_head_small_1.png" style="padding-bottom:7px" alt="" height="49" width="469"><br> eds Marsha A. Freeman, Christine Chinkin, Beate Rudolf, <br> Oxford University Press, 2012. <br> <table style="line-height:110%; letter-spacing:-0.5px" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="110" width="516"> <tbody><tr valign="bottom"> <td style="font-size:14px" height="123" width="101"><strong>Oxford <br> University Press, UK and Europe:<br> <span style="color:#880030"><a href="http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199565061.do" style="color:#880030" target="new">Learn more</a></span> <img src="index-a_files/arrow.jpg" alt="" height="10" width="7"> </strong></td> <td style="font-size:14px" width="10"><img src="index-a_files/home_vert_1.jpg" alt="" height="74" width="8"></td> <td style="font-size:14px; padding-left:5px" width="99"><strong>Oxford <br> University Press, North America:<br> <span style="color:#880030"><a href="http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Law/?view=usa&ci=9780199565061" style="color:#880030" target="new">Learn more</a></span> <img src="index-a_files/arrow.jpg" alt="" height="10" width="7"></strong></td> <td style="font-size:14px" width="9"><img src="index-a_files/home_vert_2.jpg" alt="" height="90" width="8"></td> <td style="font-size:14px;padding-left:5px" width="151"><strong>Online version also available through OUPâs subscription service for libraries and institutions<br> <span style="color:#880030"><a href="http://opil.ouplaw.com/home/OSAIL" style="color:#880030" target="new">Learn more</a></span> <img src="index-a_files/arrow.jpg" alt="" height="10" width="7"> </strong></td> <td style="font-size:14px;padding-left:5px" width="146"> <img src="callout.jpg" alt="" height="118" width="118"></td> </tr> </tbody></table></td> </tr> </tbody></table> <div style="padding-left:0px; padding-right:100px; background-color:#ffffff; font-style:italic; line-height:150%; font-size:14px"> <p><br> âThe foundational assumption of the Commentary is that CEDAW, its Optional Protocol, and the work of the Committee matter. . . . The Commentary will serve human rights scholars and students, gender activists, policy makers, and the wider international law community for decades to come.â? </p><div align="right">â Lisa R. Pruitt, IntlLawGrrls blog</div> <br> â . . . a model of meticulous research, thoughtful critique and unwavering commitment<br> to social justice.â? <br> <div align="right">â Julia L. Ernst, <em>Melbourne Journal of International Law</em><br> </div> </div> </div> <div id="bottomcopy"> <div></div> <hr style="color:#999; /> <br/> <br/> <blockquote> <p align=" left"="" align="left" width="700px"><strong><span style="font-size:16px;color:#880030"><br> Our history</span></strong><br> IWRAW began as a network of NGOs, scholars, and individual activists concerned with publicizing and monitoring implementation of the CEDAW Convention. The IWRAW program at the University of Minnesota was established as the communications and resource link for the network. The IWRAW program pioneered shadow reporting (NGO participation in the review of a country that has ratified a treaty) to the CEDAW Committee and shadow reporting on womenâs human rights to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. In addition to producing shadow reports for sixty country reviews and holding international consultations on topics related specifically to the CEDAW Convention, IWRAW has engaged in training, conferences and expert groups, and global events such as the Fourth World Conference on Women and its follow-up reviews, all with a view to expanding the knowledge and application of the CEDAW Convention and other human rights treaties to advance womenâs human rights.<br> <br> <strong>IWRAW remains unique in its focus</strong> on building and supporting capacityâboth among NGOs and within the treaty bodiesâfor using the entire international treaty system as a key to accountability for womenâs human rights. To that end, and particularly in view of the major changes in the human rights monitoring system resulting from the United Nations reform process, IWRAW participated in the treaty monitoring bodiesâ Inter-Committee Meetings and Chairpersons Meetings, and contributes to other projects of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. IWRAW played a leading role in developing new relationships between the international NGOs that are concerned with the human rights treaty monitoring process and enhancing their role in developing and evaluating new monitoring procedures. <p></p> <p align="left"> <br> <strong><span style="font-size:16px;color:#880030">Tools for promoting womenâs human rights</span></strong><br> IWRAW manuals and guides are designed to promote NGO understanding and use of international human rights treaties in their domestic advocacy as well as to help NGOs advocate for womenâs human rights on the international level. They include: <br> </p> <div align="left"> <ul> <li><strong><em>Assessing the Status of Women in the 21st Century: A Guide to Monitoring and Reporting on Womenâs Human Rights under the CEDAW Convention</em>.</strong><br> Builds on earlier manuals such as <em>Assessing the Status of Women</em>. Forthcoming 2015<strong>.</strong></li> <li><strong><em>Producing Shadow Reports to the CEDAW Committee: A Procedural Guide</em></strong>. <br> Detailed information on the logistics of producing and submitting shadow reports. Updated 2009.</li> <li><strong><em>Equality and Womenâs Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Guide to Implementation and Monitoring under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights</em>. </strong>2004. </li> <li><strong><em>New Harmonized Guidelines for Human Rights Treaty Reporting: Opportunities for Womenâs Rights NGOs</em>. </strong><br> Explains new reporting guidelines that apply to all the human rights treaties. These guidelines provide womenâs NGOs with a simplified way to approach all the treaty monitoring bodies. 2008.</li> </ul> </div> <p align="left"><strong><span style="font-size:16px;color:#880030"><br> NGOs and womenâs human rights</span><br> </strong>The achievements thus far in womenâs human rights are the result of efforts by many actors on many levels. In 1993, IWRAW Asia Pacific was established as a sister program to IWRAW, to focus on CEDAW-related activities in the Asia Pacific region. Operating as an entirely separate entity, based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, IWRAW Asia Pacific now coordinates NGO participation in the CEDAW review process and works on selected CEDAW-related issues. For a list of other NGOs concerned with womenâs human rights, see <a href="Resources.html" style="color:#880030" target="_self">Resources</a><a href="/iwraw/resources.html">.<strong><br> <br> </strong></a></p> <p align="left">For more information, please see our <a href="Basic_Facts.html" target="_self" style="color:#880030">Basic Facts</a><a href="/iwraw/faqs.html"></a>.</p> <p align="left"> </p> <p align="left"> </p> <p align="left"> </p> </div> <div id="bottom_bar"></div> </div> </body></html>
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