Runtime: 3.3s
On January 29, 2025, 04:32 PM UTC, http://tra.go.tz/ was accessible when tested on AS15399 in Tanzania.
HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment
DNS Queries
IN A tra.go.tz
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Connection to succeeded.
HTTP Requests
GET https://tra.go.tz/
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<p class=" md:uppercase font-semibold text-xs md:text-md"> <a href="/news/tanzania-ports-authoritys-efficiency-has-significantly-increased-revenue-collection"> Tanzania Ports Authority’s efficiency has significantly increased revenue collection </a> </p> <div class="flex justify-between"> <div><i class="fa fa-calendar" aria-hidden="true"></i> 10 December, 2024 </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex justify-start "> <a href="/news/all" class="md:mt-4 text-base text-yellow-600 border-b-2 border-transparent hover:border-black-active hover:text-black-active"> View More <span><i class="fa fa-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- News ends here --> <!-- Announcements start here --> <div class="py-8 md:py-0"> <div class="flex flex-row border-b-2 border-black-active"> <div class="flex items-center bg-black rounded-t-md text-cp-white"> <span class="px-2"><i class="fa fa-bullhorn fa-2x " aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h3 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href="https://www.tra.go.tz/images/uploads/public_notice/english/PUBLIC_NOTICE_CUSTOMS.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> INVITATION TO APPLY FOR CUSTOM LICENSES FOR YEAR 2025 </a> </p> <i class="fa fa-calendar text-sm" aria-hidden="true"></i> 03 December, 2024 </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full flex flex-col items-start text-xs py-3 mb-2 relative"> <div class="flex "> <div class="flex-none mr-4"> <a href="https://www.tra.go.tz/images/uploads/public_notice/english/NEW_CONTACTS.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <img class="object-cover rounded-md h-8" src="/public/dist/images/pdf2.svg" alt="TRA logo"/> </a> </div> <div class="flex-shrink"> <p class="uppercase mb-1 font-bold hover:"> <a href="https://www.tra.go.tz/images/uploads/public_notice/english/NEW_CONTACTS.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> Telephone Numbers - Transit Goods and Other Goods Under Customs Control </a> </p> <i class="fa fa-calendar text-sm" aria-hidden="true"></i> 01 December, 2024 </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full flex flex-col items-start text-xs py-3 mb-2 relative"> <div class="flex "> <div class="flex-none mr-4"> <a href="https://www.tra.go.tz/images/uploads/public_notice/english/PUBLICE_NOTICE_-_CUSTOMS_1.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <img class="object-cover rounded-md h-8" src="/public/dist/images/pdf2.svg" alt="TRA logo"/> </a> </div> <div class="flex-shrink"> <p class="uppercase mb-1 font-bold hover:"> <a href="https://www.tra.go.tz/images/uploads/public_notice/english/PUBLICE_NOTICE_-_CUSTOMS_1.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> PUBLIC NOTICE ON TRANSIT GOODS </a> </p> <i class="fa fa-calendar text-sm" aria-hidden="true"></i> 28 May, 2024 </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex justify-start items-center"> <a href="/public-notice" class="md:mt-4 text-base text-yellow-600 border-b-2 border-transparent hover:border-black-active hover:text-black-active"> View More <span><i class="fa fa-arrow-right" 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ends in December 2025', start: '2025-12-31' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2025-12-22' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the November VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2025-12-22' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax', start: '2025-12-07' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2025-11-20' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the October VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2025-11-20' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax', start: '2025-11-07' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2025-10-20' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the September VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2025-10-20' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax', start: '2025-10-07' }, { title: 'Due date for submitting the final return for the year of income of 2024 for taxpayers whose accounting period ended in March 2025', start: '2025-09-30' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 2nd installment of estimated tax for 2025 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in March 2026', start: '2025-09-30' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 1st installment of estimated tax for 2025 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in June 2025', start: '2025-09-30' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 4th installment of estimated tax for 2025 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in September 2025', start: '2025-09-30' }, { title: ' Due date for payment of 3rd installment of estimated tax for 2025 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in December 2025', start: '2025-09-30' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2025-09-22' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the August VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2025-09-22' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax', start: '2025-09-07' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2025-08-20' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the July VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2025-08-20' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax', start: '2025-08-07' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the June VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2025-07-21' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2025-07-21' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax', start: '2025-07-07' }, { title: 'Due date for submitting the final return of income for 2024 for taxpayers whose accounting period ended in December 2024', start: '2025-06-30' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 1st installment of estimated tax for 2025 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in March 2026', start: '2025-06-30' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 4th installment of estimated tax for 2024 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in June 2025', start: '2025-06-30' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 3rd installment of estimated tax for 2024 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in September 2025', start: '2025-06-30' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 2nd Installment of estimated tax for 2025 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in December 2025', start: '2025-06-30' }, { title: 'World illicit drugs Day', start: '2025-06-26' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2025-06-20' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the May VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2025-06-20' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax', start: '2025-06-07' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2025-05-20' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the April VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2025-05-20' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax-', start: '2025-05-07' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the March 2025 VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2025-04-20' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2025-04-20' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax', start: '2025-04-07' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 2nd installment of estimated tax for 2024 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in September 2025', start: '2025-03-31' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 3rd installment of estimated tax for 2024 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in June 2025', start: '2025-03-31' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 4th installment of estimated tax for 2024 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in March 2025', start: '2025-03-31' }, { title: 'Due date for estimate and payment of 1st installment for 2025 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in December 2025', start: '2025-03-31' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the February VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2025-03-20' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax', start: '2025-03-07' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2025-02-20' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the January 2025 VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2025-02-20' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax', start: '2025-02-07' }, { title: 'World Customs Day', start: '2025-01-26' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the December 2024 VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2025-01-20' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2025-01-20' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax', start: '2025-01-07' }, { title: 'Final return of income and payment of self-assessed tax Due date for submitting the final return for the year of income of 2024 for taxpayers whose accounting period ended in June 2024', start: '2024-12-31' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 3rd installment of estimated tax for 2024 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in March 2025', start: '2024-12-31' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 2nd installment of estimated tax for 2024 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in June 2025', start: '2024-12-31' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 1st installment of estimated tax for 2024 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in September 2024', start: '2024-12-31' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 4th installment of estimated tax for 2024 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in December 2024', start: '2024-12-31' }, { title: 'Installment payers:', start: '2024-12-31' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2024-12-20' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the November VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2024-12-20' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax', start: '2024-12-07' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2024-11-20' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the October VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2024-11-20' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax', start: '2024-11-07' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2024-10-20' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the September VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2024-10-21' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax', start: '2024-10-07' }, { title: 'Final return of income and payment of self-assessed tax', start: '2024-09-30' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 2nd installment of estimated tax for 2024 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in March 2025', start: '2024-09-30' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 1st installment of estimated tax for 2024 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in June 2024', start: '2024-09-30' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 4th installment of estimated tax for 2024 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in September 2024', start: '2024-09-30' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 3rd installment of estimated tax for 2024 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in December 2024', start: '2024-09-30' }, { title: 'Installment payers:', start: '2024-09-30' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2024-09-20' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the August VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2024-09-07' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax', start: '2024-09-07' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2024-08-20' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the July VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2024-08-07' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax', start: '2024-08-07' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the June VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2024-07-22' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2024-07-20' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax', start: '2024-07-07' }, { title: 'Due date for submitting the final return of income for 2023 for taxpayers whose accounting period ended in December 2023', start: '2024-06-30' }, { title: 'Final return of income and payment of self-assessed tax', start: '2024-06-30' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 1st installment of estimated tax for 2024 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in March 2025', start: '2024-06-30' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 4th installment of estimated tax for 2023 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in June 2024', start: '2024-06-30' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 3rd installment of estimated tax for 2023 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in September 2024', start: '2024-06-30' }, { title: 'Due date for payment of 2nd Installment of estimated tax for 2024 year of income for taxpayers whose accounting period ends in December 2024', start: '2024-06-30' }, { title: 'Installment payers:', start: '2024-06-30' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2024-06-20' }, { title: 'World illicit drugs Day', start: '2024-06-26' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2024-06-20' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the May VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2024-06-20' }, { title: 'Due date to pay PAYE, SDL and other withholding taxes under Income Tax', start: '2024-06-07' }, { title: 'Due date to submit Digital Service Tax Return', start: '2024-05-20' }, { title: 'Due date to submit the April VAT Return and pay tax as per return', start: '2024-05-20' }, ]; const calendarEl = document.getElementById('calendar'); const calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(calendarEl, { initialView: 'dayGridMonth', events: myObject }); calendar.render(); } }); </script> <script> window.intercomSettings = { api_base: "https://api-iam.intercom.io", app_id: "ovl4cru9", }; </script> <script> // We pre-filled your app ID in the widget URL: 'https://widget.intercom.io/widget/ovl4cru9' (function(){var w=window;var ic=w.Intercom;if(typeof ic==="function"){ic('reattach_activator');ic('update',w.intercomSettings);}else{var d=document;var i=function(){i.c(arguments);};i.q=[];i.c=function(args){i.q.push(args);};w.Intercom=i;var l=function(){var s=d.createElement('script');s.type='text/javascript';s.async=true;s.src='https://widget.intercom.io/widget/ovl4cru9';var 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GET http://tra.go.tz/
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Connection:keep-aliveContent-Length:178Content-Type:text/htmlDate:Wed, 29 Jan 2025 16:31:54 GMTLocation:https://tra.go.tz/Server:nginx
Response Body
<html> <head><title>301 Moved Permanently</title></head> <body bgcolor="white"> <center><h1>301 Moved Permanently</h1></center> <hr><center>nginx</center> </body> </html>
Resolver ASN
Resolver IP
Resolver Network Name
Simbanet (T) Limited
Report ID
Software Name
ooniprobe-android-unattended (4.0.2)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.24.0)