September 19, 2024, 10:00 PM UTC
Date & Time
Runtime: 3s
On September 19, 2024, 10:00 PM UTC, https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/global-maps was accessible when tested on AS3462 in Taiwan.


HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment

DNS Queries

IN A earthobservatory.nasa.gov
IN AAAA earthobservatory.nasa.gov

TCP Connections

Connection to succeeded.
Connection to 2001:4d0:2310:170::8:443 succeeded.

HTTP Requests

GET https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/global-maps
Response Headers
max-age=300, public
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Thu, 19 Sep 2024 21:59:59 GMT
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                <h1 class = "landing-header">Global Maps</h1>
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                            <div class = "thumbnail" data-href = "/global-maps/MOD10C1_M_SNOW">
                                <div class = "thumbnail-image"><a href="/global-maps/MOD10C1_M_SNOW"><img src = "/img/globalmaps/MOD10C1_M_SNOW.jpg" alt = "Snow Cover" /></a></div>
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                                        <span class = "thumbnail-topic thumbnail-topic-map">Global Maps</span>
                                                                                    <span class = "thumbnail-date">Mar 2000 &mdash; May 2024</span>
                                    <h4><a href="/global-maps/MOD10C1_M_SNOW">Snow Cover</a></h4>
                                    <p>Snow and ice influence climate by reflecting sunlight back into space. When it melts, snow is a source of water for drinking and vegetation; too much snowmelt can lead to floods. These maps show average snow cover by month.</p>
                                                                        <p class = "btn-tag-group">
                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/snow-and-ice" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-snowice">Snow and Ice</a>
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                            <div class = "thumbnail" data-href = "/global-maps/MY1DMM_CHLORA">
                                <div class = "thumbnail-image"><a href="/global-maps/MY1DMM_CHLORA"><img src = "/img/globalmaps/MY1DMM_CHLORA.jpg" alt = "Chlorophyll" /></a></div>
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                                        <span class = "thumbnail-topic thumbnail-topic-map">Global Maps</span>
                                                                                    <span class = "thumbnail-date">Jul 2002 &mdash; May 2024</span>
                                    <h4><a href="/global-maps/MY1DMM_CHLORA">Chlorophyll</a></h4>
                                    <p>Chlorophyll is used by algae and other phytoplankton--the grass of the sea--to convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into sugars. These maps show chlorophyll concentrations in the ocean, revealing where phytoplankton are thriving.</p>
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                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/life" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-life">Life</a>
                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/water" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-water">Water</a>
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                            <div class = "thumbnail" data-href = "/global-maps/GPM_3IMERGM">
                                <div class = "thumbnail-image"><a href="/global-maps/GPM_3IMERGM"><img src = "/img/globalmaps/GPM_3IMERGM.jpg" alt = "Total Rainfall" /></a></div>
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                                        <span class = "thumbnail-topic thumbnail-topic-map">Global Maps</span>
                                                                                    <span class = "thumbnail-date">Jun 2000 &mdash; May 2024</span>
                                    <h4><a href="/global-maps/GPM_3IMERGM">Total Rainfall</a></h4>
                                    <p>These maps depict monthly total rainfall around the world. Rainfall is the primary source of fresh water for humans, plants, and animals. Rain also moves heat between the atmosphere, oceans, and land.</p>
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                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/atmosphere" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-atmosphere">Atmosphere</a>
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                            <div class = "thumbnail" data-href = "/global-maps/MOD14A1_M_FIRE">
                                <div class = "thumbnail-image"><a href="/global-maps/MOD14A1_M_FIRE"><img src = "/img/globalmaps/MOD14A1_M_FIRE.jpg" alt = "Fire" /></a></div>
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                                        <span class = "thumbnail-topic thumbnail-topic-map">Global Maps</span>
                                                                                    <span class = "thumbnail-date">Mar 2000 &mdash; May 2024</span>
                                    <h4><a href="/global-maps/MOD14A1_M_FIRE">Fire</a></h4>
                                    <p>Whether started by humans (farming, logging, or accidents) or by nature (lightning), fires are always burning somewhere on Earth. These maps show the locations of fires burning around the world each month.</p>
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                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/land" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-land">Land</a>
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                            <div class = "thumbnail" data-href = "/global-maps/MYD28M">
                                <div class = "thumbnail-image"><a href="/global-maps/MYD28M"><img src = "/img/globalmaps/MYD28M.jpg" alt = "Sea Surface Temperature" /></a></div>
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                                        <span class = "thumbnail-topic thumbnail-topic-map">Global Maps</span>
                                                                                    <span class = "thumbnail-date">Jul 2002 &mdash; Apr 2024</span>
                                    <h4><a href="/global-maps/MYD28M">Sea Surface Temperature</a></h4>
                                    <p>Ocean temperatures can influence weather, such as hurricane formation, and climate patterns, such as El Ni&ntilde;o. These maps show the temperature at the surface of the world&rsquo;s seas and oceans.</p>
                                                                        <p class = "btn-tag-group">
                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/heat" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-heat">Heat</a>
                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/water" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-water">Water</a>
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                            <div class = "thumbnail" data-href = "/global-maps/MODAL2_M_CLD_FR">
                                <div class = "thumbnail-image"><a href="/global-maps/MODAL2_M_CLD_FR"><img src = "/img/globalmaps/MODAL2_M_CLD_FR.jpg" alt = "Cloud Fraction" /></a></div>
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                                        <span class = "thumbnail-topic thumbnail-topic-map">Global Maps</span>
                                                                                    <span class = "thumbnail-date">Feb 2000 &mdash; Apr 2024</span>
                                    <h4><a href="/global-maps/MODAL2_M_CLD_FR">Cloud Fraction</a></h4>
                                    <p>In addition to making rain and snow, clouds can have a warming or cooling influence depending on their altitude, type, and when they form. These maps show what fraction of an area was cloudy each month.</p>
                                                                        <p class = "btn-tag-group">
                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/atmosphere" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-atmosphere">Atmosphere</a>
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                            <div class = "thumbnail" data-href = "/global-maps/MODAL2_M_AER_OD">
                                <div class = "thumbnail-image"><a href="/global-maps/MODAL2_M_AER_OD"><img src = "/img/globalmaps/MODAL2_M_AER_OD.jpg" alt = "Aerosol Optical Depth" /></a></div>
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                                        <span class = "thumbnail-topic thumbnail-topic-map">Global Maps</span>
                                                                                    <span class = "thumbnail-date">Mar 2000 &mdash; Apr 2024</span>
                                    <h4><a href="/global-maps/MODAL2_M_AER_OD">Aerosol Optical Depth</a></h4>
                                    <p>Airborne aerosols can cause or prevent cloud formation and harm human health. These maps depict aerosol concentrations in the air based on how the tiny particles reflect or absorb visible and infrared light.</p>
                                                                        <p class = "btn-tag-group">
                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/atmosphere" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-atmosphere">Atmosphere</a>
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                            <div class = "thumbnail" data-href = "/global-maps/MYDAL2_M_SKY_WV">
                                <div class = "thumbnail-image"><a href="/global-maps/MYDAL2_M_SKY_WV"><img src = "/img/globalmaps/MYDAL2_M_SKY_WV.jpg" alt = "Water Vapor" /></a></div>
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                                        <span class = "thumbnail-topic thumbnail-topic-map">Global Maps</span>
                                                                                    <span class = "thumbnail-date">Jul 2002 &mdash; Apr 2024</span>
                                    <h4><a href="/global-maps/MYDAL2_M_SKY_WV">Water Vapor</a></h4>
                                    <p>These maps show the average amount of water vapor in a column of atmosphere by month. Water vapor is the key precursor for rain and snow and one of the most important greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.</p>
                                                                        <p class = "btn-tag-group">
                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/atmosphere" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-atmosphere">Atmosphere</a>
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                            <div class = "thumbnail" data-href = "/global-maps/MOD_NDVI_M">
                                <div class = "thumbnail-image"><a href="/global-maps/MOD_NDVI_M"><img src = "/img/globalmaps/MOD_NDVI_M.jpg" alt = "Vegetation" /></a></div>
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                                        <span class = "thumbnail-topic thumbnail-topic-map">Global Maps</span>
                                                                                    <span class = "thumbnail-date">Feb 2000 &mdash; Apr 2024</span>
                                    <h4><a href="/global-maps/MOD_NDVI_M">Vegetation</a></h4>
                                    <p>Greenness is an important indicator of health for forests, grasslands, and farms. The greenness of a landscape, or vegetation index, depends on the number and type of plants, how leafy they are, and how healthy they are.</p>
                                                                        <p class = "btn-tag-group">
                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/land" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-land">Land</a>
                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/life" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-life">Life</a>
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                            <div class = "thumbnail" data-href = "/global-maps/MOD_LSTD_M">
                                <div class = "thumbnail-image"><a href="/global-maps/MOD_LSTD_M"><img src = "/img/globalmaps/MOD_LSTD_M.jpg" alt = "Land Surface Temperature" /></a></div>
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                                        <span class = "thumbnail-topic thumbnail-topic-map">Global Maps</span>
                                                                                    <span class = "thumbnail-date">Feb 2000 &mdash; Apr 2024</span>
                                    <h4><a href="/global-maps/MOD_LSTD_M">Land Surface Temperature</a></h4>
                                    <p>Land surface temperatures rise and fall with the heat of the Sun, and they represent how hot or cold the surface would feel to touch. These maps show daytime land temperatures as measured from space.</p>
                                                                        <p class = "btn-tag-group">
                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/heat" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-heat">Heat</a>
                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/land" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-land">Land</a>
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                            <div class = "thumbnail" data-href = "/global-maps/MOD_LSTAD_M">
                                <div class = "thumbnail-image"><a href="/global-maps/MOD_LSTAD_M"><img src = "/img/globalmaps/MOD_LSTAD_M.jpg" alt = "Land Surface Temperature Anomaly" /></a></div>
                                <div class = "caption">
                                    <div class = "thumbnail-topic-group">
                                        <div class = "thumbnail-half-circle"></div>
                                        <span class = "thumbnail-topic thumbnail-topic-map">Global Maps</span>
                                                                                    <span class = "thumbnail-date">Feb 2000 &mdash; Apr 2024</span>
                                    <h4><a href="/global-maps/MOD_LSTAD_M">Land Surface Temperature Anomaly</a></h4>
                                    <p>These maps depict anomalies in land surface temperatures (LSTs); that is, how much hotter or cooler a region was compared to the long-term average. LST anomalies can indicate heat waves or cold spells.</p>
                                                                        <p class = "btn-tag-group">
                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/heat" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-heat">Heat</a>
                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/land" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-land">Land</a>
                                            <div class = "col-lg-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-12 masonry-item">
                            <div class = "thumbnail" data-href = "/global-maps/CERES_NETFLUX_M">
                                <div class = "thumbnail-image"><a href="/global-maps/CERES_NETFLUX_M"><img src = "/img/globalmaps/CERES_NETFLUX_M.jpg" alt = "Net Radiation" /></a></div>
                                <div class = "caption">
                                    <div class = "thumbnail-topic-group">
                                        <div class = "thumbnail-half-circle"></div>
                                        <span class = "thumbnail-topic thumbnail-topic-map">Global Maps</span>
                                                                                    <span class = "thumbnail-date">Jul 2006 &mdash; Mar 2024</span>
                                    <h4><a href="/global-maps/CERES_NETFLUX_M">Net Radiation</a></h4>
                                    <p>Net radiation is the balance between incoming and outgoing energy at the top of the atmosphere. It is the total energy available to influence climate after light and heat are reflected, absorbed, or emitted by clouds and land.</p>
                                                                        <p class = "btn-tag-group">
                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/heat" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-heat">Heat</a>
                                            <div class = "col-lg-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-12 masonry-item">
                            <div class = "thumbnail" data-href = "/global-maps/MOP_CO_M">
                                <div class = "thumbnail-image"><a href="/global-maps/MOP_CO_M"><img src = "/img/globalmaps/MOP_CO_M.jpg" alt = "Carbon Monoxide" /></a></div>
                                <div class = "caption">
                                    <div class = "thumbnail-topic-group">
                                        <div class = "thumbnail-half-circle"></div>
                                        <span class = "thumbnail-topic thumbnail-topic-map">Global Maps</span>
                                                                                    <span class = "thumbnail-date">Mar 2000 &mdash; Nov 2023</span>
                                    <h4><a href="/global-maps/MOP_CO_M">Carbon Monoxide</a></h4>
                                    <p>When fuels such as coal, wood, and oil burn incompletely, they produce carbon monoxide. The gas is spread by winds and circulation. These maps show monthly averages of CO in the lower atmosphere.</p>
                                                                        <p class = "btn-tag-group">
                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/atmosphere" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-atmosphere">Atmosphere</a>
                                            <div class = "col-lg-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-12 masonry-item">
                            <div class = "thumbnail" data-href = "/global-maps/MODAL2_M_AER_RA">
                                <div class = "thumbnail-image"><a href="/global-maps/MODAL2_M_AER_RA"><img src = "/img/globalmaps/MODAL2_M_AER_RA.jpg" alt = "Aerosol Size" /></a></div>
                                <div class = "caption">
                                    <div class = "thumbnail-topic-group">
                                        <div class = "thumbnail-half-circle"></div>
                                        <span class = "thumbnail-topic thumbnail-topic-map">Global Maps</span>
                                                                                    <span class = "thumbnail-date">Jan 2005 &mdash; Sep 2016</span>
                                    <h4><a href="/global-maps/MODAL2_M_AER_RA">Aerosol Size</a></h4>
                                    <p>Sea salt, volcanic ash, dust, wildfire smoke, and industrial pollution are types of airborne aerosols. Natural aerosols tend to be larger than human-made aerosols. These maps show when and where aerosols come from nature, humans, or both.</p>
                                                                        <p class = "btn-tag-group">
                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/atmosphere" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-atmosphere">Atmosphere</a>
                                            <div class = "col-lg-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-12 masonry-item">
                            <div class = "thumbnail" data-href = "/global-maps/AMSRE_SSTAn_M">
                                <div class = "thumbnail-image"><a href="/global-maps/AMSRE_SSTAn_M"><img src = "/img/globalmaps/AMSRE_SSTAn_M.jpg" alt = "Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly" /></a></div>
                                <div class = "caption">
                                    <div class = "thumbnail-topic-group">
                                        <div class = "thumbnail-half-circle"></div>
                                        <span class = "thumbnail-topic thumbnail-topic-map">Global Maps</span>
                                                                                    <span class = "thumbnail-date">Jun 2002 &mdash; Sep 2011</span>
                                    <h4><a href="/global-maps/AMSRE_SSTAn_M">Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly</a></h4>
                                    <p>These maps depict how much hotter or cooler an ocean basin was compared to the long-term average. Temperature anomalies can indicate changes in ocean circulation or the arrival of patterns like El Ni&ntilde;o and La Ni&ntilde;a.</p>
                                                                        <p class = "btn-tag-group">
                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/heat" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-heat">Heat</a>
                                                                                    <a href = "/topic/water" class = "btn btn-tag hvr-rectangle-in btn-xs btn-water">Water</a>

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Resolver ASN
Resolver IP
Resolver Network Name
Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.
Report ID
Software Name
ooniprobe-android-unattended (3.9.0)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.23.0)

Raw Measurement Data
